
Invention Frameworks and Algorithms

This document outlines various frameworks and algorithms that can be used to approach the process of invention and innovation systematically.

Invention Frameworks and Algorithms

This document outlines various frameworks and algorithms that can be used to approach the process of invention and innovation systematically.

1. TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

TRIZ is a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in the global patent literature. Key principles include:

  • Contradiction Matrix
  • 40 Inventive Principles
  • Ideality
  • Resources
  • Functional Analysis

2. Design Thinking

A human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit:

  1. Empathize
  2. Define
  3. Ideate
  4. Prototype
  5. Test

3. Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT)

Based on five thinking tools:

  1. Subtraction
  2. Multiplication
  3. Division
  4. Task Unification
  5. Attribute Dependency

4. Biomimicry

A approach that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature's patterns and strategies:

  1. Define
  2. Biologize
  3. Discover
  4. Abstract
  5. Emulate
  6. Evaluate

5. The Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono's method for parallel thinking in groups:

  • White Hat: Facts and information
  • Red Hat: Emotions and feelings
  • Black Hat: Cautions and difficulties
  • Yellow Hat: Benefits and feasibility
  • Green Hat: Creativity and new ideas
  • Blue Hat: Process control

6. Lateral Thinking

Another method by Edward de Bono, focusing on disrupting standard thinking patterns:

  • Alternatives
  • Focus
  • Challenge
  • Random Entry
  • Provocation


An acronym for seven techniques to foster creative thinking:

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify
  • Put to another use
  • Eliminate
  • Reverse

8. The Wright Method

Based on the approach of the Wright brothers:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Collect and analyze data
  3. Formulate and test hypotheses
  4. Interpret results
  5. Apply findings

9. The Edison Method

Inspired by Thomas Edison's approach:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Generate many ideas
  3. Experiment rapidly
  4. Learn from failures
  5. Persist until success

10. The Lean Startup Method

While not strictly an invention framework, it's useful for turning inventions into innovations:

  1. Build
  2. Measure
  3. Learn

These frameworks and algorithms provide structured approaches to invention and innovation. They can be used individually or in combination to stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving in various fields of invention.